The St. Hildegard Academy Eibingen e.V. stands on three pillars which symbolise its threefold concern:
Pillar "Research Work"
- Scientific research on the person and life, work and reception, spirituality and theology of St. Hildegard of Bingen.
- Institutional anchoring of research work in the Abbey of St. Hildegard
- Coordination of worldwide Hildegard research through networking of scholars and through a platform for research projects and through events and personal exchange
- International scholarly bibliography related to Hildegard of Bingen, online accessible
Pillar "Communication and Education"
- Transfer of scientific results into real-life contexts
- spiritual and cultural education
- Accompanying young people
- Raising awareness of Christian values in our society
- Transmission of Christian spirituality through reflection and practice
Pillar "European Spirituality”
- Exploring Benedictine spirituality in its relevance to European culture
- Reflection on current political, social, cultural and religious challenges in Europe as a mission of Benedictine tradition
- Reviving the spiritual and intellectual heritage of Europe through the unique contribution of Hildegard as a new Church teacher and Benedict as the patron saint of Europe