One of the objectives of the St Hildegard Academy is to promote scholarly research into the life and work of Hildegard of Bingen. The Academy forms the institutionalised framework for Hildegard research at St Hildegard's Abbey and at the same time sees itself as the body that coordinates worldwide scholarly work relating to Hildegard. It aims to facilitate the presentation and awareness of ongoing projects and thematic foci in research, but also qualified networking and exchange among scholars.
The following platforms have been set up to realise this project:
Science in Profile - a kind of "Who's Who" of Hildegard research
ProjektPanorama - Description of current projects and project plans
For the Academy, it is a special concern to support young people. Therefore, the collection of thesis projects (Master's theses, doctoral dissertations, etc.) is also planned and notifications of such are welcome.
If you are research active and deal with questions related to Hildegard von Bingen or with topics related to Hildegard research, you are cordially invited to contribute to the established platforms of the Academy. To do so, you can share the following information:
Science in profile
- Name and institution
- Main areas of research - with explicit mention of topics on Hildegard von Bingen
- Short biography and publications
- Possibility of linking to own homepage
- Contact (mail address and/or postal address)
- (Working) title of the project
- Name of the project leader / the project manager
- Employees
- Institution
- Project period
- Abstract/short description
- Possibility of linking to the project
- (Working) title of the project
- Name
- Institution
- Subject
- Supervisor(s)
- Date
Send your research profile and your project description as well as any information on research theses in a Word file to the following address:*.
Sr Maura Zátonyi
*In order to be able to publish the information you have provided and the personal data it contains on our homepage, we need your written consent. Please fill in the data protection declaration and send us your consent to the following postal address - or scan it together with your documents and send it by e-mail. Thank you very much for your cooperation!
St. Hildegard-Akademie Eibingen e.V.
Abtei St. Hildegard 1
D-65385 Rüdesheim am Rhein